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Trade Plates

Trade Plates

The plates issued under this section remain at all times the property of the Department of Vehicle & Driver’s Licensing, who may, from time to time, state under what conditions such plates may be used. This application must be accompanied by the appropriate Trade and Business Licence.

Commercial entities such as motor vehicle dealers, agents, repairers or traders are able to obtain trade registration plates under the Traffic Act, (2021 Revision).

These are meant to be used only when a vehicle is being driven by a potential buyer, or is on its way to be repaired or test driven. To make an application for Trade Plates the below is needed:

  1. Completed application form in the name of the company or person.
  2. Certified copy of the Trade & Business Licence and/or Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Incorporation.
  3. Valid Certificate of Insurance.
  4. Authorized signature of person(s) who can sign on behalf of the company and attached copies of driver’s licences.
  5. Payment of the prescribed fee (CI $352.00 per quarter for each set or CI $1,408.00 per set annually). A person cannot hold more than three (3) sets of trade plates.
  6. All documentation must be submitted to the Operations Manager, Administrative Assistance or the Deputy Director before the trade plates are issued or renewed.

No trade plates must be issued without an approval letter from the Operations Manager. The letter will contain the conditions of use to the purchaser.

Car - Trade