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Company Vehicles

The process for registering a vehicle in a company's name is somewhat different from registering in the name of a private individual.

Certain requirements must be met in order to accomplish this type of transaction.

Should a company intend to register a vehicle in its name, it will be required to provide a Certificate of Incorporation (newly formed company) or a Certificate of Good Standing (no more than 90 days old). Either document must be an original and display the Registrar of Companies' seal.

A company must submit (in writing, and on a letterhead) a list of individuals who are authorized to act on its behalf. Data should be as detailed as possible, outlining whether these persons can carry out certain or all transactions, on its behalf. A specimen signature must be included, together with a photo identification. This document should be signed/witnessed by a Notary Public or Justice of the Peace.

In the event that a vehicle is being transferred / terminated, a Certificate of Good Standing must be provided before this transaction can be carried out (provided that the current copy on file is older than 90 days).

Upon registration or renewal of registration of a vehicle, proof of insurance must be provided (Cover Note/Certificate or policy of Insurance). The insured name should be the same as the name in which the vehicle is registered.

Note that an individual who holds a Trade & Business License cannot register their vehicles under the T&B License, but must instead register in the individual's name.

Law Firms Vehicles

Vehicle being registered in the name of Law Firms will be required to bring in the following documentation:

  1. A list of authorized individuals who can conduct transactions on behalf of these partnerships; showing a signature specimen and a copy of each individual’s driver’s licence. Remember, the letter must state whether these individuals can conduct all transactions or just list renewal of licence or transfer etc. (Letter to be Notarized or witnessed by JP); and
  2. The original Operational Licence or a certified (by Notary Public or JP) true copy.

An Operational Licence is issued through the Attorney General’s Chambers and usually runs on a calendar year. Remember that the Company’s letterhead must be used in this type of correspondence.

Strata Vehicle

  • In order to register a vehicle to a Strata, they must provide a copy of their Strata By-Acts from Land and Survey along with a copy of the Minutes from the Strata meeting indicating who was selected to conduct business on behalf of the Strata.
  • Identify the person (s) from the Strata who is responsible to transact business for and behalf of the Strata-(Produce original letter of authorized signatories).
  • An original form of identification for the responsible person or persons, i.e. Passport, Driver’s Licence or Voters Registration.
  • Complete the Form to Register a Vehicle(s); and produce a current cover note/certificate or insurance policy for the vehicle(s).

Trust Companies 

  1. In order to register a vehicle to a Trust Company, they must provide a copy of their Licence.
  2. Identify the person (s) from the Trust Company who is responsible to transact business for and on behalf of the company - (Produce original letter of authorized signatories on business letterhead and notarized).
  3. An original form of identification for the responsible person or persons, i.e. Passport, Driver’s Licence or Voters Registration.
  4. Complete Form 1-Application to Register a Vehicle (s); and produce a current certificate of insurance or cover note for vehicle(s).

Fundamentals of Export and Termination of the Vehicle

For export or termination of the vehicle, a stringent process must be followed. First of which is the termination of the vehicle’s registration.

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