Present the completed form T.R. 14, along with CI$60.00, to any of our Licensing Officers, who will be glad to add the additional category, as a learner, to our records. With your receipt in hand you will be directed to our Customer Service Clerk, who will provide you with a learner’s licence for your new category.
Your learner’s licence will be valid for six months, which during this time you may operate any vehicle in this category, accompanied by anyone who has held the same group for a least a two (2) years.
Are you confident with your skills and ability to now operate those vehicles that are in this new category? If so, you may schedule an appointment with one of our Driving Examiners, who will assess your abilities while driving the appropriate vehicle. Any one of our licensing officers or Customer Support Unit clerks will be glad to schedule this time for you. Once you have paid the prescribed CI$50.00 fee, you can choose the available time that best fit your schedule. Remember to arrive 15 minutes before your appointed time.