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ADI Information Guide

The ADI Register & Exams – an Instructors Guide

This booklet is not part of the Cayman Islands Traffic Act; instead it provides useful information for Approved Driving Instructors and candidates on all aspects of the ADI qualification and act as a link between the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL) and the driver training industry.

The DVDL has an on-going commitment to having a harmonious working relationship with driving instructors and driving schools, and will work together to achieve the objectives of improving driving standards.

If you have any queries, or need further information or guidance, please contact the Department of Vehicle & Drivers’ Licensing at the following information. 

#990 Crewe Road, George Town

P.O. Box 1165

Grand Cayman, KY1 – 1102

(345) 945-8344

Director, David W. Dixon,

(345) 244-5517


Deputy Director

(345) 244-5515

Operations Manager, Wendy Fisher

(345) 244-5504


Supervisor of Driving Examination & Vehicle Inspection, Roy Bush

(345) 244-5510



It is the Department’s objective to improve on all aspects of road safety and driver training.  The introduction of the Register is part of the driving standards programme, which aims to improve the standard of driving especially amongst teenage drivers, and to reduce the number of serious accidents in that category.


The DVDL was established under the Traffic Act with overall responsibility to:

  1. inspect and test vehicles;
  2. register vehicles and maintain the register;
  3. issue licences in respect of vehicles and drivers;
  4. conduct driving tests; and
  5. perform other prescribed functions.

We are a department within the Ministry of Commerce, Infrastructure and Works.

To find out more about the ADI programme please visit www.dvdl.gov.ky


The Register was set up in 2011 as part of the Driver’s Education Programme.  The objective was to establish a Register of professional driving instructors who are able to deliver instruction to a consistently high standard to meet the needs of the programme and to offer the public a minimum standard of driver training.

The Register is administered by the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing.  The Department is responsible for all vehicle and driver licensing and has responsibility for the conduct of driving tests as well as the examinations for driving instructors.

It is illegal for anyone to charge (for money or money’s worth) for driving instruction in conjunction with the Driving Instructors Programme unless his or her name is included in the Register.

The Registrar has the power to:

  • refuse an applicant’s application for Registration;
  • remove an ADI from the Register in certain circumstances;
  • refuse readmission to the Register for someone who was previously removed.


The ADI has an important part to play in promoting road safety and in instilling high standards of behaviour and attitudes particularly in young drivers.

As a professional instructor and a DVDL ADI you are expected to show:

  • a professional approach to all customers;
  • a responsible attitude to your students and the driver training profession;
  • a high standard of own driving and instructional ability;
  • that you are a fit and proper person to give professional instruction.


To become an ‘ADI’ you must take and pass a series of exams, including theory, own driving and instructional ability and you must be a ‘fit person’ as defined in legislation.  However, if you can show that you have been practising as a professional instructor on the date of the introduction of the Register you can apply to have your name included without the need to take the qualifying exams (grandfather rights).

To determine a person’s fitness the Department will check:

  • For all convictions (traffic or criminal) within the previous one year of application;
  • Whether there are any pending court proceedings for traffic/criminal violations;
  • Whether there are any disqualifications from holding or obtaining a driving licence;
  • Whether there have been any endorsements of driving licence within the  previous four years

The Department will assess the applicant to determine whether or not they would be a ‘fit and proper person’ and if they pose any potential risk to their students.

The factors that would be considered are:

  • The seriousness of any offence committed and whether it might affect the safety of customers;
  • How long since the last offence;
  • Was the offence a ‘one off’, or is there a pattern of offending?
  • Have the circumstances of the candidate changed since the offence was committed, making the possibility of re-offending remote?
  • What were the circumstances of the offence and any explanation, mitigation or remorse?

Consideration will be subject to The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.  

All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

To apply for Registration you must:

  • hold a current CI driving licence;
  • have held the licence for at least three years out of the previous six years.
  • provide two written character references
  • be a ‘fit person’ under the terms of the legislation
  • not have been disqualified from driving for a serious traffic offence
  • pass all three parts of the qualifying exams within a two year period

As an ADI you are required, at regular intervals, to take a ‘test of continuing fitness and ability to instruct’.  This is a legal requirement and applies whether or not you took the qualifying exams.


Complete the enclosed application form ADI 1 and return it to the Director at the DVDL together with the fee of $100 (Written exam).  At the same time you will also need to provide two written character references from people who have known you for at least two years.


 CI $
Written exam - Part 1CI $100.00
Driving ability – Part 2CI $100.00
Instructional ability – Part 3CI $100.00
Extension of name in Register (annual)CI $100.00
Entry to the Register with ‘grandfather rights’CI $150.00


The ADI exam is in three parts:

Part 1 - Written test

Part 2 – An eyesight test and a practical test of your own driving ability

Part 3 – A practical test of your ability to instruct.

You must take the tests in this order and must pass all three parts within a two-year period.  There is no limit to the number of theory tests you take, but a maximum of three attempts is allowed for each of the practical tests.

After passing all three parts of the exam, you can apply to become a DVDL Approved Driving Instructor (ADI).  Once registered, you are expected to undertake a ‘Test of continuing Fitness and Ability to Instruct’ at regular intervals.  This is normally known as a ‘check test’, and is a legal requirement to stay on the Register.

The examiners for the practical tests are instructors from the Royal Cayman Islands Police who have been specially trained so as to ensure a uniform standard of testing.


The Part 1 exam (written test) consists of 100 multiple-choice questions.  To pass the test you must correctly answer 80 questions within the time limit of one hour.

The syllabus consists of questions on: the Road Code, the general rules of the road, your knowledge of instructional techniques and the procedures for licensing and driving tests.

For each question there is one correct answer out of four possible alternatives.

The questions are separated into four sections of 25 questions in each:

Section A – Traffic management.

Section B – Traffic signs, signals, road markings.

Section C – Driving test, Traffic Act, vehicle control, basic mechanical knowledge.

Section D – Instructional techniques.

To pass the test, you must answer all the questions in section B correctly and answer 20 out of 25 correctly in each allof the other sections.  You MUST achieve a mark of 80% overall.  Note that it would be possible to have, say, 90 correct answers overall, but if you only have 24 out of 25 in section B, or 19 out of 25 in any of the other sections, you would not pass the exam.

The questions are quite comprehensive and are subject to change from time to time as the Director or Deputy Director see's fit to do so.


Section A – Traffic Management

  1. Overtaking is not allowed
  2. Either on the right or the light
  3. Only on the left-hand side
  4. Overtaking is not allowed

Section B – Traffic signs, signals, road markings

  1. It is safer for you to carry on
  2. The may not be looking
  3. They may be ready to cross
  4. There may be another vehicle coming

Section C – Driving test, Traffic Act, vehicle control, basic mechanical knowledge

  1. Drivers licence
  2. Certificate of competence
  3. Licence coupon
  4. Vehicle service schedule
  1. Personal injury cover
  2. Fully comprehensive
  3. Third party, fire and theft
  4. Third party only

Section D – Instructional techniques

  1. Explain what can happen as a result of speed
  2. Give more demonstrations than normal
  3. Let them learn from experience using the dual brake to ensure safety
  4. Impose a speed limit less than everyone else
  1. Seat (including head restraint) – seat belt – mirrors – doors – fuel
  2. Doors – seat (including head restraint) – mirrors – seat belt – fuel
  3. Mirrors – seat belt – doors – seat (including head restraint) – fuel
  4. Seat belt – seat (including head restraint) – mirrors – door - fuel** NB – add several (6-8) sample questions here **

You must provide your own pen and answer the questions in blue or black ink.

All cell phones must be switched off during the test.

At the end of the test the examiner will give you the result within a short time.

If you have passed, you can apply for the next part of the exams – the Part 2 (own driving).  There is a minimum of within eight weeks before taking the Part 2.

If you fail, you will be given details of your marks for each of the sections, but you will not be given details of individual questions.  You can make another application for the written test straightaway.


You may apply as soon as you have passed the written exam using the application form ADI 2 given to you by the examiner.

The part 2 exam is a test of your own driving ability.  It is not just a more difficult ‘L’ test; it requires a higher level of driving competence.  You need to show the examiner that you are capable of driving to a consistently high standard, that you have a thorough knowledge of the principles of good driving and that you can apply those principles in practice.  

The test lasts for about 60 minutes, starting with the eyesight test, then a vehicle safety check, followed by a driving techniques practical test. The examiner will use form ADI 3.

Occasionally, a supervising examiner may accompany your examiner on the test.  This is to ensure uniformity of tests and does not mean that you are being tested by two examiners.


The regulations require that the candidate should be able to read in good daylight (with the aid of glasses or contact lenses if worn) a  registration plate with letters or numbers three inches in height fixed to a vehicle at a distance of sixty feet.  If you need glasses or contact lenses to be able to complete the eyesight test satisfactorily, you should wear them for the driving part of the test.  If you have forgotten your glasses, the examiner will allow a reasonable amount of time for you to retrieve them.  If this is not possible, or if you fail the eyesight test, the test will not proceed and will be marked as a failure to pass.


At the start of the test the examiner will check that all relevant documents are in order. In particular you need to produce:

  • Your driver’s licence;
  • The certificate of insurance (policy or cover note) for the vehicle you are using;
  • The vehicle’s Certificate of Registration;
  • Certificate of roadworthiness.

If any documents are not in order or are incorrect, the test will not continue and another exam will have to be booked at your own expense.


You must ensure that the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition. The examiner will make a visual vehicle check before starting the driving test.  In particular, the following items will be checked:

  • Registration plates – should be mounted horizontally  and the characters (letters and numbers to the road;
  • Controls – the examiner will check that all controls comply with the requirements of the statute.


You must satisfy the examiner that you are competent in the following:

  • professional handling of vehicle controls;
  • use of correct road procedure;
  • anticipation of the actions of other road users and taking appropriate action;
  • sound judgement of distance, speed and timing; and
  • consideration for the convenience and safety of other road users.

During the test you may be asked to demonstrate your ability to perform all or any of the following manoeuvres:

  • moving off on an accurate course – at an angle, on gradients or level;
  • overtaking, meeting or crossing the path of other vehicles and taking an appropriate course;
  • making turns to the left and right with accuracy and without endangering other road users;
  • stopping the vehicle smoothly and efficiently from various speeds;
  • making an emergency stop;
  • driving the vehicle backwards and whilst doing so entering limited openings to the left and to the right;
  • driving the vehicle and turning it in reverse accurately and smoothly;
  • turning the vehicle completely about by the use of forward and reverse gears within a reasonable compass.

The routes used for the test will cover various road and traffic conditions in both rural and urban locations.  Where possible, dual carriageways will be included.

Any faults that you commit during the test will be assessed by the examiner and recorded on the marking sheet.  Faults are categorized as ‘serious’, ‘hazardous’ or ‘poor’.  In order to pass, you are allowed a maximum of five faults, none of which should be hazardous or serious.  Any serious or hazardous fault will result in failure.

Details of typical driving faults are available from DVDL.

At the end of the test you will be offered a review of the exam by the examiner and a copy of the marking sheet will be given to you.  A letter confirming the result will be sent to you.

If you pass you can apply straightaway for the Part 3 – Instructional Ability Test.  

If you fail you can make an application for a re-test.


You must provide a suitable car for the test.  It must:

  • be properly taxed and insured;
  • have a Certificate of Roadworthiness;
  • be a saloon or hatchback (convertible vehicles are not allowed);
  • have a readily adjustable passenger seat for the examiner; and
  • be fitted with an adjustable interior rear view mirror for the examiner

Note that L-plates should not be fitted.

If any of these conditions cannot be met, the test will not be conducted, and you will lose the fee.


You may apply for this part of the exam as soon as you have passed the Part 2 (own driving) test using the form ADI 4 given to you by the examiner.

On this part of the test you are assessed on your ability to provide good quality instruction and to pass on your skills and knowledge to students.

During the test your examiner will play the part of a student driver at various stages of driving ability.  The exam lasts about 1 ½ hours and is in two separate phases.  Each phase is about 45 minutes. In the first phase the examiner will take the role of a student driver who is either a complete novice or someone who is partly trained.  In the second phase the role will be that of a student who is at about driving test standard.

For each of these phases the examiner will select a particular driving exercise from the syllabus for you to instruct on.

  2. explanation of the main controls and safety precautions;
  3. moving off;
  4. making normal stops;
  5. reversing, and whilst doing so entering limited openings to the right or the left;
  6. turning the vehicle completely about by the use of forward and reverse gears, within a reasonable compass;
  7. parking close to the kerb using forward and reverse gears;
  8. using mirrors and explaining how to make emergency stops;
  9. approaching and turning corners;
  10. judging speed and making normal progress;
  11. lane positioning;
  12. dealing with road junctions;
  13. dealing with crossroads;
  14. dealing with pedestrian crossings;
  15. meeting, crossing the path of, overtaking and allowing adequate clearance for other vehicles and other road users;
  16. giving correct signals.

In the interests of achieving uniformity from one test to another the syllabus has been arranged into a series of 13 exercises.  The examiner will select one exercise for each phase of the exam.

  • Safety precautions on entering the vehicle and explanation of the controls;
  • Move off, make normal stops and use of the mirrors;
  • Reversing into a side road to the left;
  • Turning the vehicle round in the road;
  • Parallel parking;
  • Reverse parking;
  • Emergency stops / use of mirrors;
  • Approaching junctions;
  • Judgement of speed and general road positioning;
  • Emerging at road junctions;
  • Dealing with crossroads;
  • Meeting, crossing the path of, overtaking other vehicles / allowing sufficient clearance / anticipation;
  • Dealing with pedestrian crossings / giving signals


Once the test is under way the examiner will normally stay in character as a student driver as much as possible.  You should respond to this by treating the examiner as you would a normal student.  There may, however, be occasions when the examiner has to drop out of role in order to control the exam or for any issues related to road safety.


The instruction you give should be tailored to the time available – that is about 45 minutes for each phase.

During the test you will assessed on:

  • The method of instruction you use;
  • The clarity and accuracy of the instruction given;
  • How you link your instruction to the ability of the student being portrayed

The three main areas of skill that the examiner will be checking are:

  • Core competencies
  • Instructional techniques
  • Instructor characteristics


You should help your students to improve their performance by identifying, analysing and remedying their driving faults.

Identification:  you need to be able to identify all faults and to prioritise them in relation to whether they are serious or minor, repeated or isolated and how they relate to the student’s needs at any stage in their development.

Analysis:  faults must be analysed in terms of why they have occurred and what  impact they will have on other road users.  It is important that you look for the basic cause of the fault, rather than the effect.

Remedial action:  the student needs to know how to rectify any faults that have been brought to their attention. Use your instructional techniques, including the use of training aids and questions, to help the student in avoiding any repetitions of the fault.


Level of instruction:  This relates to the matching of your instruction to the ability and experience of the student.

Planning:  Covers the structure of the lesson and the allocation of time between theory and practice.  The lesson should be presented in a clear and logical manner, avoiding too much unnecessary instruction while stationary.

Control of the lesson:  Deals with the control of the lesson generally and the interaction between instructor and student.  Directions and instructions should be clear and unmistakeable and given in good time.

Communication:   Is concerned with the student’s understanding of your instruction, the use of appropriate language and the avoidance of unnecessary jargon.  Communication should be pitched at the correct level for the student and should include an element of feedback and questions.

Question and answer technique:  Use questions at various times during the lesson to establish whether the student has understood the objectives.  Questions should be straightforward, reasonable and relevant to the subject.  Encourage the student to ask questions.

Feedback and encouragement:  Make sure that you offer feedback and encouragement where appropriate and when deserved.  The student needs to know when they have done something well.  Feedback should be a summary of the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Instructor’s use of controls:  The general controls (steering, brakes, indicators etc) and dual controls (where fitted) should only be used where necessary.  If they are used, the student should be told when and why they have been used.  Avoid controlling the car for the student whenever possible.


Attitude and approach to student:  You should try to create a relaxed and supportive learning environment for your students.  Avoid any unnecessary physical contact with the student.

Articulate:  The lesson should be presented using language that is clearly understood by the student.

Enthusiastic:  You should show enthusiasm and take a keen interest in all that takes place during the lesson.

Friendly:  Establish a good working relationship with the student.  An easy-going, relaxed manner is important, but without being over-familiar.

Patience:  Be prepared to repeat a series of instructions or to vary your method of instruction where necessary.

Confidence:  You should be self-confident and capable of transmitting that confidence to your students.


During the test you are allowed the use of training aids such as lesson plans, visual aids and subject headings or brief notes, but not to use these aids as ‘scripts’.  Avoid reading at length from any notes.


You must provide a car that has four wheels, is used solely for the purposes of carrying passengers and is fitted with a rigid roof with or without a sliding roof.

The car must:

  • have a readily adjustable driving seat and a seat for a forward facing passenger
  • be properly taxed and insured
  • have a Certificate of Roadworthiness
  • be roadworthy and suitable for the purposes of the test

If any of the above is not in order the test will not be conducted and you will lose the fee.


So that the examiner can make a fair assessment of your overall performance, you will be asked to wait for a few minutes while all elements of the test are considered.

The examiner will carry out an assessment of your instructional ability using the marking sheet ADI 4 and will give the result of the test.    You will be offered a de-briefing on your performance.  Note that this will be only an overview of the test; for more detail on your instructional methods or techniques you should refer to your tutor/trainer for more guidance.

A letter of confirmation of the result will be sent to you.


So long as you have passed all three parts of the exam within a two-year period you may now apply for registration as an ADI.  This should be done within 12 months.

Registration is for one (1) year and during that time, so long as your name remains on the Register you are entitled to use the title ‘DVDL Approved Driving Instructor.’ At the end of the one year you can apply for re-registration.


You may make an application for a re-test at the end of three weeks.  This application should be made within five working days.

For more details on how to improve your instructional skills see your tutor/trainer and/or refer to The Driving Instructor’s Handbook and Practical Teaching Skills for Driving Instructors, both of which can be obtained from the information at page 18.


At various times during your four-year period of registration you will be required to take a test of continuing ability and fitness to instruct.  This test is commonly known as a Check Test.  On the test, your ability to continue to give a high standard of instruction is assessed.  The examiner will use form ADI 5.

Check tests are intended to ensure that you are still able to instruct to the same standard as when you originally qualified.  During the test the examiner will be checking to see that your teaching methods, the lesson structure and your fault analysis are up to the minimum standard required.

The tests are conducted by the same examiners who conduct the practical exams.  They are RCIP Driving Instructors who have been specially trained by the DVDL for the exams and the check tests.

These tests are normally conducted by the examiner observing a normal lesson with one of your regular students.  There are, however, exceptional circumstances when the examiners will role play the part of a student as in the Part 3 ADI exam. You should expect the test to last for about 1 ½ hours, with an additional 15 minutes for the examiner to give a debriefing on the instruction given.

During the test your instructional ability will be assessed and graded on a scale of 1 to 4 using the following criteria:


A good overall standard of instruction with only a few minor weaknesses in instructional techniques.

Recap given on the previous lesson and objectives set for the current lesson, with student involvement.

Demonstrated the ability to vary or select the most appropriate instructional techniques as necessary to suit the needs of the student, with only minor weaknesses.

Recognised and addressed all the important driving faults and provided sound analysis with appropriate remedial action.

An appropriate route was chosen for the student’s ability and experience.

Took advantage of most opportunities to develop the student’s driving skills and awareness using any problems encountered on the route.

Structured an appropriate learning environment in which the student could readily further develop their skills and good driving practice.

Lesson concluded with a concise recap, which was an accurate overview of the lesson.

Strengths and weaknesses in the student’s performance identified and discussed.

Objectives set for the next lesson.

Attitude and approach to the student was good throughout the lesson.

An ADI in this category will normally be check tested within one (1) year intervals.


A competent overall performance with some minor deficiencies in instructional technique.

Acceptable recap with limited student involvement and objectives for the current lesson outlined.

Demonstrated the ability to vary or select the most appropriate instructional techniques as necessary to suit most of the needs, aptitude and ability of the student.

An acceptable route chosen for student’s ability and experience, taking advantage of most of the opportunities to develop the student’s driving skills and awareness using the problems presented on the route.

Structured a generally appropriate learning environment that provided opportunities for the student to develop their skills and good driving practice.

The lesson concluded with a general summary, giving an accurate overview of the lesson.

The main strengths and weaknesses in the student’s performance identified.

Attitude and approach to the student was acceptable throughout the lesson.

ADIs in this category will normally be seen again in about six months or less.


An inadequate overall performance with some deficiencies in instructional technique.

Inadequate or sketchy recap on the previous lesson.

Did not adequately set out/ explain the objectives for the current lesson and did not involve the student

Demonstrated only a limited ability to vary/select the most appropriate instructional techniques as necessary to suit the needs, aptitude and ability of the student.

Inconsistent identification, analysis and remedial action of driving faults.

Some unnecessary retrospective instruction.

A poor route chosen for the student’s ability and experience.

Missed opportunities to develop the student’s driving skills and awareness using the problems presented on the route.

Failed to structure a learning environment to enable the student to develop their skills and good driving practice.

Inaccurate or incomplete summary at the end of the lesson.

Many of the strengths and weaknesses in the student’s performance not identified, or treated superficially.

Shortcomings in attitude and approach to the student.

ADIs in this category will be seen within 8 weeks or two months.


An extremely poor overall standard with incorrect or even dangerous instruction.

No recap on previous lesson.

Objectives not set for current lesson.

Unable to recognise the need to vary/select the most appropriate instructional techniques as necessary to suit the needs, aptitude and ability of the student.

Failed to identify, analyse or correct driving faults, many of which were of a serious or dangerous nature.

A totally unsuitable route was chosen for the student’s ability and experience.

Did not use the opportunities presented on the route to develop the student’s driving skills and awareness.

No attempt to structure any kind of learning environment.

No summary at the end of the lesson.

Very serious shortcomings in attitude and approach to the student.

The Registrar will be notified of any ADI in this category and the appropriate action would be taken.  The ADI would be seen again within a very short period of time.


On the first check test after entering the Register the ADI will be check tested in the normal way, but the visit may be regarded as purely ‘educational’, with a further check test being taken a few months later.


There are several books that you may find helpful in preparing for the exams and for improving your instruction skills generally.  They include the official UK Driving Standards Agency publications and two books by John Miller, both of which are used by UK instructors as resource materials for the ADI exams.  These publications and/or driving manuals  have the statutory approval of the Director.


The Official DSA Guide to Learning to Drive.

The Official DSA Guide to Driving – the essential skills.

Helping Learners to Practice – the official DSA guide.

These publications are available from The Stationery Office at www.tsoshop.co.uk.


The Driving Instructor’s Handbook

Practical Teaching Skills for Driving Instructors.

These books are available from Kogan Page Ltd. at:

Kogan Page Ltd.

120 Pentonville Road

London N1 9JN

United Kingdom

Kogan Page US

525 South 4th Street, #241

Philadelphia PA 19147


All the above publications are also available or by contacting the suppliers at www.kogan-page.co.uk

Useful contacts

Department of Vehicle & Drivers’ Licensing

#990 Crewe Road, George Town

P.O. Box 1165

Grand Cayman, KY1 – 1102

(345) 945-8344

Director, David W. Dixon,

(345) 244-5517


Deputy Director, Jason Azan

(345) 244-5515


Operations Manager, Wendy Fisher

(345) 244-5504


Supervisor of Driving Examination & Vehicle Inspection, Roy Bush

(345) 244-5510


Driving Standards Agency

(Driving tests and ADI Register)


John Miller

(Author and training consultant)


The Stationery Office

(Suppliers of the official DSA publications)

(345) 244-5510


Desktop Driving

(Suppliers of driving instruction books and training aids)

(345) 244-5510


Appendix A

Application For Instructor Written Test – Form ADI 1

Application For Instructor’s Practical Test – Form ADI 2

Instructors Practical Test – Form ADI 3

Instructional Ability Practical Test – Form ADI 4

Test of Continuing Fitness & Ability to Instruct (Check Test) - Form ADI 5